[nycphp-announce] TONIGHT at nyphp: MongoDB for PHP Developers, ZendCon PHP Conference Recap

noreply at noreply at
Tue Oct 25 11:15:01 EDT 2011

October General Meeting
MongoDB for PHP Developers, ZendCon PHP Conference Recap
MongoDB and PHP Tales from ZendCon 2011

         Date: Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Continue the discussion with NYPHP and Zend at TGI Fridays,
56th & Lex.

 Watch Online:

We know that noSQL can seem supernatural. And we understand that flying to
California for a conference may be para-normal. But have no fear - we're
armed with the wooden spikes and garlic cloves needed to bring these
monsters, under control.

This October, NYPHP superheroes Alan "Van" Seiden and Steve "Helsing"
Francia fly in from ZendCon 2011, both possessed with the latest technology
horror stories. So join the ZF and NYPHP legions, back at our IBM midtown
sanctum, to storm the gates of hell and gorge on the latest - tales from the

And after the meeting, continue the discussion at TGIF 56th & Lexington with
the NY Zend Meetup and NYPHP undead.

PHP and MongoDB
Join Steve for a quick introduction to MongoDB and PHP, including connecting
to the database, performing CRUD operations, and a summary of the community
tools and libraries available in PHP.

Tales from the ZendCon
Join Alan Seiden and other NYPHP members as they share the latest in the
world of PHP. They're just back from ZendCon in Santa Clara and want to
bring their knowledge back east. They'll include updates on the progress of
Zend Framework 2.0 and other frameworks, trends in design patterns,
corporate adoption of PHP, and anecdotes and impressions from the

Alan Seiden is organizer of the New York Zend Meetup and expert consultant
for PHP on IBM iSeries.

Steve Francia is Chief Evangelist at 10gen, makers of MongoDB.

You may also tune-in at 6:30pm:

Read the full description and details at

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always
free and open to the public.

         Date: Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Continue the discussion with NYPHP and Zend at TGI Fridays,
56th & Lex.

 Watch Online:

New York PHP

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