[nycphp-jobs] Wanted: Full-time (30 hours a week) on-site permanent job

Margaret Waldman mmwaldman at
Sun Jul 24 07:29:42 EDT 2011

I am seeking a full-time (30 hours a week) permanent on-site job.  I’m looking for a mid-level position.

Compensation expected: $46k + excellent benefits, health and dental ppos including 401( k ) matching

Environment needed: casual so there will be no problem with red/violet hair, facial piercings or tattoos

The first year I’d like to work 30 hours a week.  Year 2 or 3, I’d like to go 40 hours a week if compensation is appropriate.   If compensation by year 3 is not at least $100k full-time, then I’d like to be able to openly seek new employment.

I have been programming since ‘83, when it was discovered I had a talent for it.  I have over 20 years programming experience with 3 years web development.

I hold a Bachelor’s in CS from the University of California – Berkeley.  For you who do not think much of that, then you simply don’t know what it takes to get that degree.

I work in CSS, HTML, Javascript, php, ajax, json and xml.  I have experience in Wordpress.  Recently, I’ve been looking at Facebook.

I also recently have been dabbling in jquery, which I would like to continue.

I need a position where I can continue to work on both the front and backend, although it does not have to be 50/50.

Although, most of my work has been structured, I am looking to work in an object-oriented environment.

I’m aiming for a start date of 8/15/11.

Margaret Waldman
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