[joomla] Truly Weird problem

Scott Wolpow scott at
Fri Aug 20 12:48:43 EDT 2010

The total history::
I first noticed a problem that articles were not displaying, under one 
menu class. Articles were displaying everywhere else.
Now ion all other cases there was no real content, so I just had a 
couple of characters so I could save the article.
In testing the same articles in the other menus they also did not appear.
I the template I was using worked fine on another site I had just 
built.. The main difference was that in one case I uploaded via ftp the 
Joomla core and in the problem site I used command line. That should not 
be an issue. The two sites were on different machines.
I then uploaded com_contents from scratch. Still nothing. I uploaded the 
entire core again and still nothing.
I then realized that one article was showing. It was on I had added. It 
also had just a few characters. I soon learned that it was the amount of 
characters (19).
I switched servers and still had the same issue.

Finally I decided to start from scratch. I will preserve the weird 
installs and try and find the issue.

*Scott Wolpow*
Please Help Me Raise Money for MS

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