[joomla] finding a lawyer?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sun Nov 14 13:43:02 EST 2010

Are you looking for a lawyer because you need one, or are you looking
for one because that is what you think you need?

If incorporation and consulting agreements are all you are worried
about, there are TONs of free online resources that can get you
pointed in the right direction. As well for incorporation, there are
companies that can do that for you online at a surprisingly low cost,
and also ensure you do what you need for the incorporation to be legit
and complete.

DISCLAIMER: If you have delusions of grandeur with your shiny new
startup, and have plans of raising capital or bringing in an M&A
hotshot to get you bought by Yahoo or Microsoft someday, then you will
need to hire a corporate attorney and pay a lot more money than you
probably want to right now.

This is actually your first entrepreneurial test - either you're the
kind of person that does the research and legwork yourself to make the
right calls up front, or you find someone else to do it for you so you
can focus on what you do best. There is no one-size-fits-all answer,
you gotta pick the right one for you and your particular situation.

Just my advice, IANAL and all that. :-)

-- Mitch

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