[nycphp-talk] PHP dominance on websites (Information Week article)

Daniel Krook danielk at
Mon Nov 17 10:24:20 EST 2003

> It's not until IBM got on board, and floated $1 billion, that Linux was
even known outside tech-heavy sectors.

Looks like the same may happen for Mozilla in the coming months.  Here are
a couple of snippets.   : )

"IBM has led the industry in promoting compliance to open standards and
interoperability. It is critical that IBM adhere to Java and W3C Web
standards throughout its internal Web application portfolio. "In 2004, the
IBM CIO office is planning to adopt Mozilla as the default/standard browser
on all of the internal client platforms," says John Walicki, who leads the
development of the standard Linux Client image within IBM."

"The IBM Browser Development Center is dedicated to helping IBM developers
support Mozilla within their application frameworks. It also assists people
in working with the Mozilla community, and enhance the browser as

"It's important that IBM products are designed to work with a
cross-platform browser like Mozilla," says Walter Lee, manager of the
Browser Development Center. "IBM is investing billions in Linux development
and Mozilla is an especially great browser match for Linux."

The team has helped provide Mozilla compatibility for several products. The
team has worked with the WebSphere Portal, Domino, Lotus e-mail and AIX
teams. "We're able to help make middleware work with Linux and Mozilla
browsers," says Mike Kaply, Mozilla advocate, Browser Development Center. "

Daniel Krook, Application Developer, Production Services,
1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604
Tel: (914) 642-4474, Tieline 224-4474
danielk at


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