[nycphp-talk] Maintaining sessions between PHP and CFs

Matt Juszczak matt at
Tue Mar 8 02:44:33 EST 2005

If the data you are trying to pass between PHP and CF is "secure data", 
then in my opinion you can create a table with two fields ...

md5String md5, name varchar(32), value varchar(64)

Then just have a redirect.php and a redirect.cfm ... redirect.php checks 
for a variable called action, labelled IN or OUT.  If action is IN, it 
stores the data in session, takes the md5 string of something, and passes 
that along to redirect.cfm with action=OUT, which takes the info out of 
the table, and sets a new session.  The redirect.cfm does the same thing, 
except it inserts the data into the table and then passes on to 



On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Nestor Florez wrote:

> I've done something similar passing session variables from PHP to PERL
> YOu simply read the variable because they are using the HTML protocol
> Good Luck :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Armendariz <nyphp at>
> Sent: Mar 7, 2005 5:40 PM
> To: 'NYPHP Talk' <talk at>
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Maintaining sessions between PHP and CFs
> My client's site is all Cold Fusion right now (been writing / maintaining it
> for about 5 years now), but some things are just far more efficient with PHP
> and since the traffic is growing exponentially, I'd like to utilize the best
> of both worlds.
> I just converted the database from SQL Server to MySQL since I'm far better
> at tweaking with MySql.  I figure I can put the sessions in the database and
> carry them over between the two.  Probably CF Client Variables and a custom
> session handler in php, I suppose.
> This job is nearing it's budget limits, so I'd rather use something already
> in use rather than take the time to write something.  Have any of you ever
> done this or know of any libraries that exist for this?
> (PHP 4.3.1 and CFMX 6.1 on IIS using MySql 4)
> Thanks!
> Mark Armendariz
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