[nycphp-talk] OT: Microsoft Outlook folders being written to in the background?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sat May 26 20:30:51 EDT 2012

This is an off-top post. While it doesn't relate to PHP it does relate to
the Linux server. I appreciate any insight some kind soul could offer.

There was a legacy of Outlook PST files we needed access too. So we fired
up Outlook 2010 on a Window 7 PC and imported the legacy Outlook PST
files/folders. The odd thing is, we don't use Outlook on this PC at all for
anything. The applications has not even been launched (to the best of our
knowledge) for a couple of weeks. However, I noticed in the backup that
several of those legacy Outlook files/folders are being written too. I know
this because during the rsync backup of the Linux file server, I noticed
they are being backed up again as if they have been changed.

I'm not an Outlook user and don't use Windows much. If Outlook isn't being
launched on this PC, what could be causing this legacy Outlook files to be
written too? Does Outlook or part of a Microsoft Office do any sort of
background housing cleaning/re-indexing of Outlook files/folders? If so, is
there a way to stop this process from being scheduled? Thanks in advance!

David Roth
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