From ant92083 at Wed Oct 3 13:27:30 2012 From: ant92083 at (Anthony W.) Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 13:27:30 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-talk] How do you guys set up work as a contractor? Message-ID: <> I've recently had to close down shop at a start up and pretty much the world is my oyster. If I were to take up a contracting gig what cool products do you guys use on Windows/Linux for time tracking and project management? -Anthony -- Anthony W. ant92083 at From ekeller at Wed Oct 3 13:31:27 2012 From: ekeller at (Eric Keller) Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 13:31:27 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-talk] How do you guys set up work as a contractor? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Capsule CRM is pretty solid. On 10/3/2012 1:27 PM, Anthony W. wrote: > I've recently had to close down shop at a start up and pretty much the > world is my oyster. If I were to take up a contracting gig what cool > products do you guys use on Windows/Linux for time tracking and > project management? > > -Anthony From nhart at Wed Oct 17 11:47:52 2012 From: nhart at (Nicholas Hart) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 11:47:52 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-talk] talk Digest, Vol 71, Issue 6 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: MySQL - PHP: Anyone have experience with a 64bit mysql server? Recently tried to move a PHP application to a not as busy 64 bit Dell Server and it and it was vy slow for some unknown reason. Checked all indexes in applicable tables which matched 32 bit server. I have optimzed data and checked/repaired indexes with myisamck. I have run MYSQL PERFORMANCE TUNING PRIMER Version 5.1.31 and made suggested changes but no change in speed of this app. Moved it back to 32 bit Dell Server and it is fine again now. I guess what I am ultimately looking for is a decent site or book to explain mysql db admin. Any suggestions or theories much appreciated. Note: I moved it b/c I thought it would run faster on a 64bit server:-( Thanks, Nick -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From davidalanroth at Wed Oct 17 11:58:50 2012 From: davidalanroth at (David Roth) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 11:58:50 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-talk] talk Digest, Vol 71, Issue 6 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi Nick. Is there enough memory available on the 64-bit server compared to the 32-bit one? I ask because I had a similar situation recently which happen to be on a 64-bit CentOS server. I had a PHP program parse data and populate a MySQL table. It ran very slowly, and I found out the PHP program to make a long story short had a memory leak. There was hardly any free RAM available and the server was using swap which it almost never does. After I resolved the memory leak situation MySQL was still crawling so I stopped and started MySQL, and it was back to normal. I don't know if this is related to the problem you are experiencing, but I never had a slow down like this before and the root cause was the memory issue. I used MySQL out-of-the-box I didn't look into any sort of performance tuning on this server. It's my server I use for development so I'm the only one on it. David Roth On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Nicholas Hart wrote: > MySQL - PHP: > > Anyone have experience with a 64bit mysql server? > Recently tried to move a PHP application to a not as busy > 64 bit Dell Server and it and it was vy slow for some unknown reason. > Checked all indexes in applicable tables which matched 32 bit server. > I have optimzed data and checked/repaired indexes with myisamck. > I have run MYSQL PERFORMANCE TUNING PRIMER Version 5.1.31 > and made suggested changes but no change in speed of this app. > Moved it back to 32 bit Dell Server and it is fine again now. > > I guess what I am ultimately looking for is a decent site or book to > explain > mysql db admin. Any suggestions or theories much appreciated. > Note: I moved it b/c I thought it would run faster on a 64bit server:-( > > Thanks, > Nick > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From yitzchak.schaffer at Wed Oct 24 15:57:09 2012 From: yitzchak.schaffer at (Yitzchak Schaffer) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 19:57:09 -0000 Subject: [nycphp-talk] BDD: Behat, Codeception... Message-ID: <> So, BDD: I see there's Behat and Cucumber for PHP, which are similar inasmuch as they use a DSL. There's also Codeception. I personally have a guttural aversion to the magic DSL style of testing, so Codeception looks especially enticing; but I assume that Behat has better community adoption, given the crossover effect from Cucumber, and the fact that it was adopted by the symfony community. My shop is using Lithium for framework, and I'm wanting to write a BDD plugin using one of these libraries. Any thoughts? General discussion of BDD in PHP also welcome. -- YS From matt at Wed Oct 24 19:06:51 2012 From: matt at (Matt Juszczak) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 23:06:51 -0000 Subject: [nycphp-talk] Member Management System Message-ID: I've been doing some volunteer work for a local non-profit and they have been looking into re-doing their member management system. I decided not to build something custom because their needs are simple. Originally, I thought about going with something like SugarCRM and using that to store their members. But eventually, they'd like shopping cart integration so they can have members purchase things and have them tied to their account. My next thought was to go Wordpress with woocommerce. Members can be tracked as wordpress users and their role indicates their member level (I can create custom roles). Woocommerce would faciliate the shopping cart and a simple wordpress plugin or two could handle the meta data that needs to be stored with each user. Does anyone have any suggestions on other PHP-based alternatives? Thanks! From greg at Fri Oct 26 10:16:15 2012 From: greg at (Greg Rundlett (freephile)) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:16:15 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-talk] form and database solutions, particularly with large records without a common schema Message-ID: I've got to *quickly* create an application that will have a large form front-end. The form doesn't have to be multi-page, meaning it could be a monololithic page, but the page does have to be dynamic in the sense that entire sections will depend on options within the form. Plus, some options will ideally be treated as 'accordion' type display so that when you focus on element "foo" to enter details for "foo", a number of checkboxes will be revealed, and then that section will collapse again when focus is lost. Each record is an MLS listing (Residential Real Estate) plus property photos, plus associated documents. I'm just wondering if anyone has suggestions on how they've done this type of thing with a particular framework or set of tools. Of course the bosses just want a simple, quick solution that collects this info into a database. I'm hacking away in Drupal, using the dRealty module as a way to get 80% there from the start. I was thinking of using a Mongo storage backend because there are 300+ fields for a given property class (i.e. single family, condo, multi-family, land, commercial), and the "schema" changes for every class and every MLS system. Ultimately there would be ~15 different schemas (3 MLS systems x 5 property classes) with more to come. Since mapping this data into a common taxonomy has historically been a monumental task [1], I am thinking it would be better to not map it for storage, but rather to create the field mappings in code. If you've done something like this in Mongo (which is new to me), I'd like to look at it or hear more. If I were to use an RDBMS as the backend, I'd be tempted to use the object model inheritance capability of PostgreSQL so that I could more easily create a limited subset of data fields that are always present in every MLS system and class (e.g. price, id, address, type, status) and independent tables would store each property class. This way views could represent aggregate data across property classes and MLSes. If you've done something similar in PostgreSQL, I'd like to know more about your implementation. Have you done this in Cake, Symfony, NodeJs, something else? Thanks, Greg Rundlett [1] There is a RESO Data Dictionary which defines 504 fields of data for a Real Estate property listing -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: