[nycphp-talk] The Diff Meetings

Hans Z zaunere at
Tue Jul 16 10:38:57 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I thought it prudent to pull topics from the git vs svn thread for planning
out some future meetings.

Here's the recap:

There's always new technology on the web and some of it certainly could be
considered wonderful, and some simply hype... of course, this pattern in
technology (or anything really) is nothing new.

What if we compiled a list, added the pros/cons of each, and debated it out
panel style at a meeting?

I'll happily seed the list: )

git / github
LESS/etc (compiled CSS)
Bootstrap (CSS frameworks)
Cloud servers
Cloud development (online code editors/etc)

What am I forgetting? Oh right...

Responsive design :)

Previously, some topics such as OOP and MVC were introduced.  While these
are certainly valid topics, and often deserve meetings of their own, I
think we should focus purely on the new "hot topics" of late.

So, in the interest of getting some meetings planned:

-- any new/trendy topics to add to the list above?

-- anyone ready to talk about their preferred side of the diff?  Say... for
instance, git vs svn ? :)

-- those who step-up, let's discuss and we can plan a couple of meetings
for the fall.

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